Tag Archives: bay area all stars cheerleading

It’s the number 1 lie

9 Jan

number one lieIf you play any competition sport, we know you have heard this before

Hitting Your Routine Doesn’t Happen By Accident

9 Jan

In life they say not everyone can become be President,  a CEO or Gold Level Athlete, its not natural.  Many believe some people are just born with leadership skills or athletic abilities.  Some believe the person they see on the stands winning the gold Olympic medal was just natural inclined to win.  The truth is success, doesn’t happen by accident. The most successful person is the one who wakes up at the break of sunlight to perfect their skills. In business this might mean doing research, refining a report and perfecting a proposal. In our industry, cheerleading and dance, it means stretching, practicing your routine, watching reels of other competitors to be motivated by other hardworking athletes.


Competitive cheerleading and dance is physically demanding but it is also mentally demanding.  You have to be dedicated and willing to be the best you can be at all times. For newer athletes, the concept of practicing everyday, stretching and doing your athletic homework everyday doesn’t always sink in right away.  But those who grasp onto the concept find themselves excelling rapidly in the sport of competitive cheer and dance.

In many programs athletes are required to attend 4 or 5 day a week practices.  This can be overwhelming for parents and students with an already heavy schedule.  This isn’t because the coaches are trying to be mean or consume every minute of your time. Trust us, most coaches would rather have a free day or two to themselves. The reality is, most athletes do not have that rise with the sun mindset.   Now some skills require a gym with supervision such as stunts and tumbling, but those skills of hitting your routine with sharp arms and knowing your counts can be accomplished anywhere.

Do you have to rise with the sun? Of course not, but you should set aside at least 10 or more minutes aside each day to practice the sharpness, hitting marks and knowing your counts.  Taking this simple daily investment in your own success will help you form into the best performer you can be.

Hitting routines does not happen by accident. When you see Top Gunn performers hitting arms moves like sharp knives chopping through the air like axes chopping wood, please know that sharpness only comes for dedicated daily practice. It comes from the kind of athlete that doesn’t need to be reminded or supervised to make sure they are practicing. This level of athlete is made daily, when no one is watching and they are still practicing.

No matter what program you join, there is no substitution for daily practice, dedication, being on time for your practices and dedicating every mat second you have to perfecting your skills. There are no miracles out there that will make anyone better without dedication, practice and more dedicated practice.



If you haven’t sweated today, then you should ask yourself “Do you really want this”